The Rental Application is one of the most important forms in the rental process. The more information you can complete, the more likely a landlord is to accept your application. Important areas not to skip: Initial Over 18 and Signature at the bottom.
What to bring with your application:
Photo ID
Copy of I-20 (International Students only)
Cash, check or money order for first month’s rent to SECURE your apartment and to take it off the market
The remaining move-in funds will be scheduled once agreed upon by you and your landlord.
If a co-signer is required, time is of the essence! A completed co-signer form is necessary for your Rental Application to be accepted by a landlord. These forms must be notarized. However, the forms do not need to be notarized before completing the application as this often holds up the process. These forms can be completed by the co-signer and sent back via email info@are-bos.com or fax 617.232.7701.
Once notarized, the original form must be mailed to:
Advantage Real Estate
Attn: Agent’s Name
1066 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MA 02215
*Important: be sure to include the correct apartment address and unit number on the co-signer form.
Download Co-Signer Form
Leases and Addendums are fairly standard throughout the Boston area. However, some landlords have their own. The following examples will give you a basic understanding of the lease terms for your new home.
Sample Lease